
EARTH'S HYDROSPHERE : a relevant one !

            Hydrosphere means the water on the surface of the globe and in the atmosphere surrounding it [ from the Scribner-Bantam English Dictionary ]. It is the liquid part of the earth. It is almost three-fourths of the earth's composition. It is also one of the most important part of the earth for all creations especially living things because they need water for survival. For without it they will surely die. In physical geography describes the combined mass of water found on, under, and over the surface of a planet [ .http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrosphere ].

             Water is one of the most basic needs of the living creatures. One concrete example is we humans, we can live for a long period with water than with food but we both need them off course. Another is the plants. Water is the one who gives them life for they are like humans. They need water for them to grow,germinate and reproduce.
             It doesn't only stops on that it also gives beautification to the earth. For example the beaches,resorts and other tourist spots that our country is rich for. It is one way of helping the economy of our country to go up, for it invites other people especially those foreigners. It is also a way of transportation. Beside the airplane we can use bodies of water through the ships for us to migrate or just gallivant to the far places we want.
             Though it gives many advantages it has also the negative part, its disadvantage. A very good example are the phenomena's caused or made of water like tsunami,floods etc. Tsunami a large wave produced by an earthquake or volcanic eruption on the ocean bed [ from the Scribner-Bantam English Dictionary ]. Like what happened in Japan just this year million lives and properties of people were lost due to that phenomena. Flood large mass of water overflowing the surface of a place or region [ from the Scribner-Bantam English Dictionary ]. It can also kill thousands of lives and properties.
             Therefore water is powerful. It gives life but if it will take revenge it can destroy or can erase a place or region in the map. All we have to do in order to maintain the peacefulness of the bodies of water is to take good care of it by simply not throwing garbage to it. The change must first start in our own selves.



SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY : boon or bane ?

     Science and technology are part of our everyday living.
According to Webster, science is a knowledge gained by systematic experimentation and analysis, and the formulation of general principles while technology is the application of the mechanical and applied sciences to industrial use.
     Based on the definitions, will there be technology without science? The answer is NO! Application of the information gathered came about to one's imagination to help man. This application is known as technology. In short technology is science out to practical use.
     One good example of this is the computer. It can be used everywhere-offices,libraries,schools and banks. Especially for me as a student because sometimes I do have assignments that need researches. Another is the washing machine which helps us in washing our clothes. Instead of using our own hands we just let the machine worked on it. Also the medicines which aids our illnesses and we need it anytime and anywhere because our health is our wealth.Technology has made it possible to shorten certain processes. As a result, life has been made more easy by devices borne out of technology. Therefore they both make our work a lot easier,lighter and faster.
      These things are just only a dot to all the inventions,discoveries and innovations made by our fellow Filipino and even foreign people.Truly, technological breakthroughs no doubt have a remarkable impact on modern living.
       While technology has been instrumental in the advancement of the quality of life, it has likewise brought along with it a number of problems. For instance, the gasoline used to run engines pollutes the environment. Like the vehicles who burst black smokes. Appliances like refrigerators and air conditioners that give off chemicals that contribute to the destruction of the ozone layer which results to global warming that we're suffering nowadays. Atomic bombs as history tells us have destroyed life on earth.
                  Admittedly, technology is partly to blame for the world's most complicated problems. This is why it is necessary to have a deeper understanding of how science and technology work to guide us in making responsible decisions.